

Jewish Meetup at Oakland Women's March



Join Bend the Arc: Bay Area for the 2019 Women's March in Oakland!

We'll be gathering for a Jewish meetup at the corner of Oak St & 10th St, by the red post for the Oakland Museum of California. Keep an eye out for our red "Bend the Arc: Jewish Action" banner!

Together, we'll walk over to the Lake Merritt Amphitheater by 10am to join the rally and march.

For more information about the Oakland March: check out the Facebook event here.

Date & Time

January 19, 2019 at 9:30am
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Google Map of Oak Street & 10th Street Oakland CA

Corner of Oak St & 10th St
Oak Street & 10th Street
Oakland, CA 94607
United States

Contact information

Leili Davari

Will you come?