Join us in this urgent action to support SB 10, the Money Bail Reform Act.
Our current money bail system is unjust and unsafe. Today, the amount of money in your pocket determines whether you will get out of jail. Many people cannot even afford 10% and often choose between getting out of jail and making sure their family has enough money to survive. Families end up in debt for years. Today, wealthy people can bail out of jail even if they pose a serious risk of injuring another person if released.
We must fix this system!
We will give you a phone script and train you before you start making calls. We welcome anyone to our phone banks—beginners and experienced phone bankers. Light dinner from 6-6:30pm, training begins promptly at 6:30pm, last call at 8:15pm.
Join us and make a difference.
Laptop or tablet and cell phone are required.